Our Focus

In 2020, we sold the majority of our wind assets, with a newfound focus on the investment and support of new and emerging green businesses across the UK, Ireland and Europe. We work with founders at various stages of growth with global potential.

We understand that every business is unique and require investment and support specific to their goals. As a family run business and tight-knit group of entrepreneurs, we know the true value of collaboration, dedication and determination. We bring our expansive bank of expertise across renewables, property and investment to the forefront, spotting potential and planting the seeds for growth.

Our Values

The values we hold as a team are the fundamental beliefs that we operate under day in and out. We hold no one to a higher standard than ourselves and we believe this is reflected in the success of our work.

  • Sustainability Sustainability

    The guiding principal that cements every move we make as supporting ecological businesses is the driving force behind Aircore.

  • Collaboration Collaboration

    We are only as good as the teamwork behind us and we are proud to be a group of great collaborators, sharers and thinkers.

  • Honesty Honesty

    We have nothing to hide and transparency from ourselves gives clients the confidence they need to work with us in achieving their goals.

  • Creativity Creativity

    At Aircore we operate with sky high thinking and on the ground action, fearlessly leading the charge towards a greener tomorrow.

  • Dedication Dedication

    We give our everything to our work, with total devotion to the success of our projects and the advancement of your goals.

  • Forward Thinking Forward Thinking

    The future is what we make it, and it’s coming fast so we are always thinking one step ahead of where things are.

Client Stories


We invest into environmentally sustainable and renewable focused businesses that strive to affect positive global change.

Project Management

Our team of experts work with a small number of projects at once, providing top levels of dedication and effort to each project, ensuring long term success.

Asset Management Services

We offer support to renewable asset owners, providing the expertise and experience required to successfully manage the operation, maintenance, and performance of assets.

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